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At the start, the page went pretty good and i could get a very good amount of clients and followers but after the first month the page started going slow and i didn't get the same amount of followers and clients as before but i still could make my sales, at the moment my page has 317 followers and i get a few clients but not as much as before and i think this happened because i could not keep products for the amount of clients so people started forgetting and not caring about the store. 


Deisgn Process

For the design i first used PowerPoint but after a time and i realized the store was going well i decided to use Photoshop to make it more professional

Captura de Tela 2020-11-21 às 11.40.01.

Final Page

At the final page i used the bio to show all the important informations for the user visiting the page like: 100% legit, all sales are final and etc. I used the highlights at the page as well, there you can find the products that have been sold, the ones available and etc..


Selling Process

Selling my products sometimes was very hard because me and the client couldn't find a deal after hours negotiating and some people tried to buy and after the deal they just disappear wasting my time but speaking by the good side i could make some good sales with big profits and i kept all of them in a table.

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